AI-OAK-20 - 20 Gallon spill kit |
ESP Evolution
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Keep these spill kits on hand for emergencies
to absorb oil-based spills and repel waterbased
liquids. Use the overpack, which is
made from 100% recycled resin, to store your
contaminated sorbents after the clean up.
Containers can be reused and contents can be
Key features-
··U.S. Department of Transportation-approved
20 gallon containers
··Contains super absorbent flake socks
··Quick-release lids allow easy access
··Contains two sealed packs of pads
··Used sorbents can be placed in the
··An ESP exclusive product
··20 pads
··6-3” x 4’ socks
··2-21” x 17” pillows
··1 pair of gloves
··1 pair of goggles
··1 guide book
··3 temporary disposal bags
··Fire retardant as per ASTM 726
··Avoid high-heat applications
··Ensure that disposal of these sorbents
complies with all local, state and federal
··Replacement pad packs available
··Container can be purchased separately
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